February 17, 2009

No WiFi on the trip home. :-(

Well, I didn't have the wifi connection to pilot on the way home. Too bad. I had a great time visiting Peggy, George and Gabby (oh yes, and Maverick) in Houston! Gabby is 2, but certainly not a "terrible" 2. She's a doll and sweet as can be. We had a great time playing together. In fact, it was great timing, 'cause Peggy wasn't feeling well Saturday, so I was glad to be able to help distract/occupy Gabby for the afternoon.

Friday night we went to dinner with Peggy's sister and bro-in-law, Vicky and Kyle. We ate at Chuy's - a tasty Mexican restaurant in Houston. Mmmm. We had a good time and definitely enjoyed the food.

Since George had to go to class Saturday, Peggy and I took Gabby to the Museum of Natural Science. We saw an exhibit on the human body, which was really interesting. Along with that, we were able to kinda peruse some of the other exhibits.


Sunday morning, we took a drive by a house they wanted to see. It's amazing how much of the suburbs of Houston still show damage from Hurricane Ike. Very sad. Since Peggy still wasn't feeling well, George and I let her and Gabby sleep and we went running around. It was fun tooling around, and the day was beautiful!

Really, the weather was pretty great most of the time I was there, though we did have a little rain. We went for lots of long walks - even twice one of the days...simply because it was soooo gorgeous outdoors!

I had to say goodbye this morning. Peggy and Gabby dropped me off at the airport - lil' Gabby gave me a kiss and then she looked so sad to say bye to Auntie Dawn. Poor Gabby! She's such a sweetie - I will miss her!

The pics on this post were taken out by their pool...thanks to Peggy and George for inviting me to Houston. I had a great time and hope to see you all again soon!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see some pics and put faces with the names. Glad you had a nice time.

NASA geek

TELL3131 said...


Wow!!! I stumbled across your blog through someone else's blog and may I say, that your blog is way more entertaining and informative. You do such a good job.
I read your CDA post from last June, and it was neat to here the race as you saw it and experienced it.
I hope you are doing well, and awesome on joining the race team for Epic.
It would be great to see you at a race or two this year. Let me know what you have planned.